Friday 13 August 2021

The Chase! (Maths Week)

Salut! That means 'hi there' in French. I could say bonjour, but yeah. So this week we did The Chase, but in the Maths style. The Chase is a TV show, and it's like about heaps of questions. There is this person called ' The Chaser', and they NEVER get the questions wrong. So we did this in our math books, and we added up points. I was away on monday, so I got 116 points! On our 'The Chase Sheets', we have pictures of ladders. We colour in where we are, and where The Chaser is. If we get to the end, we win. If the chaser catches us, we lose. We do a warm up, then a head-to-head. If you get 8 questions right in the warm up, you write that in the middle of the ladder, but if you want more points, you can times it by ten, and write it just above the middle. So I would get 80 points. But, it makes you closer to The Chaser. If you want to get closer to to end, then you write it just below the middle. But then, you would get only 0.8 points. So if you need a picture, to make it more understandable, then heres a photo of mine.
(ZOOM IN TO READ) So thats my work! Have you ever done this?? Blog you later, Aoibheann.


  1. Hello! Amazing work you have done!

    Bye bye

    1. Hello Diyani. Thank you for this comment!

  2. Interesting reading Aoibheann, you have certainly put in lots of thinking around the point system!!

    1. Hello! Thank you for this helpful comment!
