Friday, 6 August 2021

Wings of Fire! (Free writing).

Kia Orana! I love dragons and that makes me obsessed with a book series going by the name of 'Wings of Fire'. It includes different tribes, contents, and even different living styles! In Pyrrhia (the more popular continent), they have seven tribes. There are Mudwings, Sandwings, Skywings, Seawings (Seawings are my personal fave), Icewings, Rainwings, and Nightwings. Here is some nightwing history: They could once read minds, and foretell the furture, but no longer! The books were written by Tui T. Sutherland. If you want more information, then go search it up (IN YOUR FREE TIME). So we got to do free writing (a subject I love), and I wanted to make a fanmade story. So here it is I guess!
(ZOOM IN TO READ) What are some sentences I could improve? (By the way it's not done). Blog you later, Aoibheann.


  1. hi Aoibheann its me INA! I loved your story, I can't wait for part 2. I wonder what will happen? Maybe next time don't take a screenshot and just ctrl c your writting, that would make it easier for other people viewing your blog to read it better. Did I help? From INA!🙃✌️

    1. Thanks Ina! Your always such a big help! 🤩
      I will take your advise next time and I'm still working on a part two!🤗
      I really hope you liked my story. 😁
      -Aoibheann 🤪
